See our collection of apps for gift buying, travel and holiday fun!
Send a digital postagram to a loved one overseas or a far away pal with ease! Use the postagram app
to send postagrams in a SNAP!! Use this app to send a postcard with your favorite instagram shots, mobile or Facebook photos Send your best vacation or graduation photos to inspire memories and good times. The recipients will absolutely love receiving them in their inbox.
By using SnipSnap you can say bye bye to all your coupon cutting and carrying duties. Now, it’s as easy as finding the coupon you want, snapping it and storing them in your app. You can search for them easily and present them at your checkout counter of choice. There’s been over 113 million dollars of savings so far with SnipSnap. It’s that easy to save!
With the ShopAdvisor app, it’s so easy to to follow an item you like by just scanning the barcode. When it goes on sale, ShopAdvisor will alert you. You set your prices, locations and preferences and let ShopAdvisor do the rest. Get the item you want at the price you want!
For those of you on the go, waiting for relatives anxiously, old friends coming to reminisce over the holidays, you need FlightTrack. Using this handy app, you can track the flight paths of thousands of flights with maps you zoom in on, departure times, gates, arrival times. You get the picture. And you’ll get the flight picture in real time using this great app.
In this fast-paced digital world of business, when taking a flight overseas, your time can cost you money. You might have your laptop packed away, but it does not mean you can’t access your important files up in the air with you. You can upload your docs in the airport, then review and edit them while you are flying at 30,000 feet. It comes with a cost but is worth it for those on the go.
For all you skiers out there, you know what this one is all about. You need snow. REAL snow. Just download this and you’ll find the best runs with a map back to the lodge if you get stuck.
Get ready for some surrealistic 3D creative holiday fun! Customize your very own holiday wallpaper. Create a mantel where you can put your own picture over a blazing hot and cozy fireplace, a Christmas tree and even a note for Santa!
Last, but not least if you haven’t had enough of Christmas jingles, tunes and songs celebrating the holiday in shopping malls and hotel lobbies, now you can brighten your holiday and that of those within earshot with this amazing collection of tunes to make every call, SMS and push notification a special one!
What holiday app would you add to or remove from this list? Share your thoughts in our group discussion on Facebook!
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