Optimistic Developer VS Pessimistic Tester

/ 21st December, 2013 / It's So Funny
Optimistic Developer VS Pessimistic Tester

Developer and tester dilemma is well known and faced by everyone involved in software development cycle. Certainly, this comes to lots of in-house jokes. Below is a funny reminder on the difference between tester’s and developer’s point of view!

Optimistic Developer: The glass is half full
Pessimistic Tester: The glass is twice as big as required

Optimistic Developer: This code hasn’t yet been tested. It’s not known if it has any bugs.
Pessimistic Tester: This code hasn’t yet been tested. It’s not known if it works.

Optimistic Developer: We are 90% done.
Pessimistic Tester: We don’t know when we’ll be done, if ever

Optimistic Developer: We will refactor the code to make it better
Pessimistic Tester: They are throwing out the working code and replacing it with an unknown quantity

Optimistic Developer: I only changed one line of code
Pessimistic Tester: The entire system must be retested

Optimistic Developer: The code is the design
Pessimistic Tester: There is no design

Optimistic Developer: We’ll fix those bugs later, when we have time
Pessimistic Tester: We never have enough time to fix the bugs

Optimistic Developer: This build is feature complete
Pessimistic Tester: The features exist; some are completely broken

Optimistic Developer: Anything is possible, given enough time
Pessimistic Tester: Everything has flaws, and given enough time I can prove it

Optimistic Developer: Of course it will work
Pessimistic Tester: It might work, but probably won’t

Optimistic Developer: One last bug fix, and we can ship tomorrow
Pessimistic Tester: Fixing this one bug will likely lead to two more

Optimistic Developer: Stop finding bugs, or we’ll never be done
Pessimistic Tester: Stop creating bugs, so I can find them all

Optimistic Developer: There’s no need for more tests
Pessimistic Tester: Let’s just run a few more tests to be sure

Optimistic Developer: There is no I in TEAM
Pessimistic Tester: We can’t spell BUGS without U

Optimistic Developer: That’s an “undocumented feature”
Pessimistic Tester: That’s a bug

Optimistic Developer: I like to build things
Pessimistic Tester: I like to break things

Optimistic Developer: Sure, we can use the Beta version of this component in Production
Pessimistic Tester: We should wait until version 2.1

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What software testing jokes do you know? Feel free to post in this thread and share with others!

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