During the last few decades, e-commerce has become an inevitable part of the global retail environment. The fact is that the retail industry faced serious transformations because of the rapid digitalization of the process of making purchases. The number of Internet users is constantly growing, which allows more and more users to do shopping online.
What is more, according to a recent forecast, the global e-commerce market is expected to reach a whopping $7.3 trillion by the end of 2025. Therefore, the number of e-commerce products will be growing in the near future. To remain competitive in the global market, each company should focus on providing service of the highest quality and making online purchases safe, fast, and easy for all customers. For these purposes, it is crucial to develop an effective eCommerce testing strategy using the most innovative crowdsourced testing solutions.
Crowd testing in eCommerce is a latter-day way to the quality assurance (QA) process that allows companies to benefit from using both the most up-to-date technologies along with professional human testing.
Crowd testing is about using the power of a large number of QA experts rather than hiring in-house specialists in quality assurance. This allows companies to test their digital products on real devices with different operating systems, carriers, and features, as well as check the product’s performance in various locations around the world.
Real-life testing, performed by experienced crowdtesting professionals is currently the most effective, flexible, fast, and scalable solution that always provides detailed testing results.
But what does eCommerce crowd testing service usually include?
How to test an eCommerce website? There are several basic phases of crowdtesting any commerce project should usually come through.
The main objective of eCommerce testing during this phase is to clarify the QA scope, compose test strategies, and work with a budget.
During the configuration phase, it is important to get all the testing scenarios ready. Moreover, the company should provide all the required credentials to crowdtesting professionals before the test execution begins. All the testing environments should be pre-configured and completely prepared for testing. If you require to test the entire flow, all the way to the actual purchase – need to decide if testers will use real payment methods, get “fake” test credit card numbers from you, or will test only in ‘staging’ environments.
It is also possible to have a trial testing with crowdtesting experts on this phase to make sure all configurations were successfully set up.
All the tests should be performed on the devices that will be used by the target audience. It is better to cover the maximum number of devices of various models, operating systems, and other features.
Moreover, it is essential to get an app used by people from the required demographics, who represent the website’s clients. For example, an e-commerce product might be focused on elderly people, or customers with particular chronic diseases, views, or preferences. During this phase, the manager monitors the process of test execution. It is also worth mentioning that payment testing remains one of the key types of testing for any modern e-commerce solution. It is crucial to get your product tested by QA experts with real credit cards, PayPal accounts, bank accounts, eWallets, and other payment methods. This is still the one and only proven way to make sure all the payment processes will perform well.
Arranging all the results achieved during testing includes reporting and prioritizing bugs and issues found in the product. Additionally, the QA experts provide real feedback on using the e-commerce solution. They answer survey questions and offer a true-to-life plan on how to make the product better.
Results validation is not the final stage of crowdtesting. To close the test cycle, the crowd testing service provider passes all the deliverable documents to the client together with an executive summary and recommendations.
You can start using crowdtesting services at any stage of the development process. As a rule, you will need to clarify the following aspects:
Ubertesters is a professional full-scale crowd-testing company that can help you test any type of e-commerce product. It is an advanced solution that allows testing any website and application on various types of devices, carriers, and locations in real-life environments. This approach will help you ensure you are delivering a modern and user-friendly digital product that perfectly fits all the needs and expectations of your customers.
Want to explore even more about our advantages? Contact us at sales@ubertesters.com for more information.
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