Software Testing Conferences Fall 2020

/ 10th September, 2020 / Events
Software Testing Conferences Fall 2020

The global pandemic of Covid-19 virus has already changed our world. The exhibitions, conferences, and events industry was the first to be affected by the effects of the COVID-19 virus. As a result, thousands of events around the world are being canceled, postponed or turned into online-only events. 

 If you have something on your calendar for this autumn,  check again, because it might be canceled or postponed. 

Especially for you, we list 9 notable Software Testing Conferences which will definitely take place this fall so you can align your schedule.


Date: September 7-8, 2020

Location: Online

Why should you attend? 

The upcoming A&A Afternoons feature such topics as: microservice architecture, distributed systems, learning from past incidents, API and Consumer-Driven Contracts, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, IoT and next generation smart devices.

Check out the speaker’s list and schedule  at

ICSTPMA 2020: 14. International Conference on Software Testing Process, Methods and Approaches

Date: September 24-25, 2020

Location: London, United Kingdom

Pricing: €300 – €500

Why should you attend? 

ICSTPMA 2020 aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Software Testing Process, Methods and Approaches. It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of Software Testing Process, Methods and Approaches

Check out the speaker’s list and schedule  at

SeeTEST 2020

Date: October 1-2, 2020

Location: Online

Pricing: € 99- € 375

Why should you attend? 

This year has brought before us and many others a host of previously unexpected and complex riddles to solve. 

The program remains unchanged! You can still choose from six tutorials led by some of the most notable software testing experts from around the world, and 26 speakers determined to give you the best conference experience.

Check out the speaker’s list and schedule  at


Date: October 5-8, 2020

Location: Online

Pricing: $449-$899

Why should you attend? 

STARWEST Virtual+ will be streaming over 75+ talks—including keynotes, tutorials, and sessions all in an engaging and interactive premium virtual atmosphere. Plus, with 3 packages to choose from and a variety of exciting add-on options (such as a live virtual training class), you can select the conference package that fits your needs and your budget!

Check out the speaker’s list and schedule at

TestCon Europe 2020

Date: October 13-15, 2020

Location: Online

Pricing: €240-€990

Why should you attend? 

QTestCon Europe is the leading conference for everyone willing to learn testing trends, best practices and make their contribution to the smoother software development cycle and quality.

The event provides an excellent platform to keep up-to-date with the latest industry trends, exchange experiences, discuss and deliberate ideas and benefit from networking opportunities.

The event features the hottest topics in industry covering: Test Management, Testing Techniques and Methodologies, Test Automation, Performance Testing, Testing the Internet of Things (IoT), Testing Metrics, Agile Testing, Test Team Leadership and Soft Skills.

Check out the speaker’s list and schedule at


Date: October 27-88, 2020

Location: Online

Pricing: €20-€600

Why should you attend? 

Quest for Quality is a 2-day forward-thinking annual software QA and testing conference, discussing the latest trends and topics in AI, QA & software development while bringing together international thought leaders addressing latest challenges of new technologies.

Check out the speaker’s list and schedule at

Women in Tech Dublin

Date: November 16-20, 2020

Location: Online

Pricing: $79-$129

Why should you attend? 

10,000+ female tech professionals and diversity advocates from across the globe at The Women in Technology World Series Online Festival this November.

Join this week-long festival to celebrate the power of resilience amongst female tech professionals as we shine a light on the transformative tech engineered by women of all diverse backgrounds across the world.

Check out the speaker’s list and schedule  at

QA Financial Forum New York 2020

Date: November 18, 2020

Location: Harvard Club of New York City

Pricing: $750-$1499

Why should you attend? 

The QA Financial Forum is a unique conference for Heads of QA, testing, software engineering, DevOps, operational risk,  and IT risk management. The Forum discusses the key issues facing banks, trading platforms and insurance companies as they seek to implement new technologies in software automation. A key focus is how financial firms benchmark software quality, especially as  regulators increase their scrutiny of IT risk management.

Check out the speaker’s list and schedule  at

19th International Conference on Embedded Software Testing

Date: November 28-30, 2020

Location: Online

Pricing: $79-$129

Why should you attend? 

The programme of this 19th edition of QA&TEST Embedded is completely new and online. The sessions, with speakers from all over the world, will be about the most trendy topics such as security management, security testing, IOT testing or AI testing, but covering as well traditional disciplines such as test automation, validation and verification strategies or testing techniques.

In addition, each keynote will address very interesting topics on test automation, continuous tests or environmental sustainability in ICTs, complementing the more technical presentations.

Check out the speaker’s list and schedule  at

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