Mobile Game Testing: Level Up Faster With These 6 Tips!

/ 20th February, 2015 / Becoming a World-Class Tester
Mobile Game Testing: Level Up Faster With These 6 Tips!

There are significant differences between mobile application testing and mobile games testing. Implementation of a well-structured systematic approach, as well as usage of the test automation framework and smooth integration with your agile development gives the assurance in the effectiveness of the process of mobile games testing.

When we are talking about testing process in general we cannot but mention two different forms of testing such as black box testing and white box testing. These two forms can be used in the process of mobile games testing as well but in this case their purposes will be a little bit different.

The “black box” testing is a kind of test, conducted without the knowledge of the inner workings of the product. In terms of software testing the term “black box” usually means user interface testing without having access to the source code of the product. Concerning the mobile games testing, this notion involves testing graphic user interface, graphic elements, especial elements, animation and actual gameplay.

In order to hold a “white box testing” in a proper way the tester should know the inner working of the game and have the access to the source code since this form of testing deals with architectural and systematic aspects of the mobile game. The main purpose of the white-box testing is to test how third-party components, for example game engine or databases are integrated to the game.

Learn about game testing challenges in amazing article for VentureBeat from Ran Rachlin, Ubertesters CEO!

There are six main areas that should be paid attention to in order to hold the efficient mobile game testing.

#1. Functionality and user interface in game testing

Don’t forget that the success of your mobile game directly depends on user interface and general functionality since they as well as visual appeal and gameplay are the main components of formula of success of your game.

While testing the functionality and user interface of your game first of all test the following 4 things:

  • User interface layouts and elements. As a rule all mobile games are aimed on maximum set of various screen resolutions and types of screen. Each time when layout changes, you would need to hold a regression testing in order to be sure that the game still works.
  • Structure and main functions of the menu. Usage of various automation frameworks will help you to test menu structures and main functions automatically.
  • Screen orientation. Sometimes it becomes a serious issue for the games. In order to avoid such problems make sure that game works in both modes: landscape and portrait one should be necessarily tested.
  • Screen resolution. In order to make sure that your graphics doesn’t get stretched try to use your mobile game on the devices with various screen resolutions.

#2. Graphic performance game tests.

For performing this kind of test usage of the real devices is necessary. Besides, try to create such tests that could be run for a long time in order to observe, for example, how much battery is used when you are playing the game for a long time. This will enable you to see the response of your game on various levels of using.

#3. Usability and user experience of the game.

You will also need a real device for this type of mobile game testing since you cannot test the usability and navigation flow on a desktop, using a mouse and a keyboard. In order to understand properly how wonderful usability of your game is, you will need to test user interactions and the responsiveness. Testing of the game performance is essentially important since the user experience directly depends on it.

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#4.Game multi-player.

At a present time multi-player is a popular feature for a great amount of mobile games. Sometimes, testing multi-player abilities can turn out a challenging task of a game testing. You should test dozens of various scenarios that can have a great influence on game’s experience. As a result you may get a negative feedback and uninstalled game.

#5. Game integrations with social networks.

It can be considered a very important part of your game. Users should have an opportunity to share the results either with their friends or within your ecosystem. In order to understand better the integration process, try to use different gadgets with different version of OS and different device configuration.

#6.Security and liabilities of the game.

Almost in all games, open source code is one of the game components. This practice is recommended and approved. At the same time, the game developers often neglect identifying third-party code and license restrictions.

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