10 Tips For Android Instant Apps Testing

/ 15th November, 2016 / Android
10 Tips For Android Instant Apps Testing

With the convenience of having your phone in your pocket wherever you go, mobile apps are taking flight to help you in every way. Need an app for this, or how about for that? Done. With all this available to us, apps are in constant competition with each other. Android Instant Apps (AIA) are paving the way for a different set of testing guidelines.


Before putting your app on the market, we recommend going through the following Android Instant Apps testing tips list to help you make sure you are putting your best product forward:

1. Testing on Real Devices

Although emulators that simulate operating systems may sound tempting, you’re better off testing your app on a real device. Emulators simply do not include all the features that real devices have. Also, if you are looking to test a true presentation of all real occurring events (Interrupts, battery consumption, etc), the best option for testing real occurring events during execution of your mobile app can be only done on an actual real device.

Tip: To pass test successfully, please make sure your app satisfies the following requirements.

2. Compatibility testing

We’re now at the point where there are thousands of available global smartphone devices with hundreds of brands. Some are more known and popular and some are total no-names. When it comes to the Android market, there are many screen sizes that need to be accounted for — and that can be a challenge. You must map all the models that the AIA will support and start your testing.

Tip: Before you start execution of compatibility test’s lists, check the latest Ubertesters report: The most popular smartphones screen values for mobile application testing

 3. Knowing Your End Users

How are your users engaged with your app? Only with this knowledge you can make informed –  business decisions, define your support policy, prioritize the development and refine the user’s experience. Understanding how your users will see your app’s available content is very crucial.

 4. Perform Functional testing

Ensure that your app’s core functionality and functions work. If your product’s main offer is faulty, then users will be repelled by your app and may never come back. Test all of your app’s main functions before going any further.

5. Testing Management and Bug-tracking Tool

How are you maintaining and planning your manual tests? With a professional and efficient testing tool, you can organize all the information about your application’s content and communicate across multiple project teams. Through a management tool, you will also be able to track defects and tasks.

Tip: We recommend to use the following bug-tracking tools with Ubertesters:

  • HP Quality Center
  • Jira;
  • Youtrack;
  • Mantis;
  • Redmine;
  • Unfuddle.

6. Refine and Optimize

You will need to continuously refine and optimize your Android Instant app. We recommend you to consider both, alpha and beta testing of your app to make the conclusions based on beta users’ feedbacks.You may tweak simple user interface and functionality changes to make it better for the user.

7. Stress connectivity testing

If your Android Instant App has a lot of features and media content involved, a slow Internet connection may give your users a hard time. The thing is, you need to make sure that you are testing your app so that it works well with both a slow connection and a fast one. Test the overall app performance app through various conditions. For example, see how your app performs under different mobile signal strengths.

Tip: If your app has some features that work best over a WiFi connection, you could create an alert to inform the user about their slow connection and that having a faster one will enhance their experience.

8.  Phone’s Features testing

Make sure that your app does not interfere with the mobile phone’s primary function: to communicate with others. While using your app, the user must still be able to receive and make phone calls, as well as  receive notifications from other programs. It could be frustrating for the user to be blocked from all other apps and important information when using your app.

9. Load testing

How much battery is your app using? It’s possible that Google’s services can drain a battery much faster than expected. To avoid negative user feedback test and check how your AIA works with different devices and capacities.

10. Localisation Testing

If your app is localized, then it should  be tested very cautiously. Having your app localized is more than just having it translated in many different languages. You should also reflect on and consider cultural and lingual differences. For example, the date format (day, month, year) varies in different countries. Icons, images, designs and themes should also be carefully evaluated.

Tip: If you are going to execute regional testing cases, we strongly recommend to review Top 5 tips for successful mobile app testing.

Keep these useful careful tips in mind during your Android Instant App testing. This will allow you to put forth your best version to all users. To make your process as smooth and efficient as possible, we recommend having qualified and professional testers to help support your application. If you need help or have questions regarding your app’s testing, Ubertesters is here for you and ready to help with our crowd testing services.

Happy testing!

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