Strategies for Creating Comprehensive Bug Reports to Earn Your Engineers’ Appreciation

/ 10th April, 2024 / bug report
Strategies for Creating Comprehensive Bug Reports to Earn Your Engineers’ Appreciation

The world of software development is complex, and effective bug reporting is a crucial bridge between identifying problems and finding solutions. 

With a good bug report, we get:

  • culture of transparency
  • trust
  • collaboration among all stakeholders involved

A well-crafted bug report is more than just a list of issues; it provides a comprehensive narrative that guides developers through the user’s experience, context, and potential impact. This detailed information facilitates efficient troubleshooting and reduces the time and resources spent on bug fixing.

Moreover, thorough bug reports demonstrate a team’s commitment to product excellence and user satisfaction. They serve as a testament to the quality assurance process and contribute to the overall success of the project.

We recognize that effective communication lies at the heart of successful software development, and by mastering this skill, we can:

  • enhance collaboration
  • improve efficiency
  • ultimately deliver high-quality products that stand out

The Art of Crafting a Masterful Bug Report

The Art of Crafting a Masterful Bug Report

Imagine you’re a detective tasked with solving a mystery plaguing your software city. Your mission? Create a bug report so comprehensive that it’s like handing the engineering team a treasure map leading straight to the heart of the problem.

1. Title

First, let’s discuss the title—your bug report’s headliner. This is the beacon that guides your team through the dense fog of code. 

A great title is a spotlight that illuminates the core issue in a succinct yet descriptive way. 

It’s the difference between a vague “Something’s not working” and a targeted “Login button not responding on iOS 14.5”.

2. Description

Next up, the description – the meat of your bug report sandwich. 

This is where you paint a vivid picture of the issue at hand (context and background that brings the bug to life). 

Think of it as the chapter in your mystery novel where you lay out all the clues (the more comprehensive your description, the easier it is for your engineering guys to swoop in and save the day).

3. Steps to Reproduce

But wait, there’s more! Your bug report isn’t complete without clear, step-by-step instructions on how to reproduce the issue. 

These instructions guide developers through the treacherous terrain of code (the more detailed your reproduction steps, the less time they’ll spend wandering aimlessly and the more time they can dedicate to crafting a brilliant solution).

4. Expected Behavior

Of course, no mystery is complete without a twist. In this case, it’s the expected behavior – the way things were supposed to go down. 

This is like the piece of the puzzle that doesn’t fit. By clearly outlining what should have happened, you give developers a benchmark against which to measure the bug. 

You simultaneously make it easier to pinpoint where things went awry.

5. Actual Behavior

Actual Behavior

Also, we have the actual behavior – the moment of truth where the bug rears its ugly head. This is the scene where the culprit is unmasked. 

By detailing the discrepancies between what was expected and what actually occurred, you provide developers with the clues they need to crack the case and restore order to your software city.

6. Environment Details

The environment is the stage upon which your bug makes its grand entrance. It refers to the specific technical conditions under which the bug occurred. 

It’s the opening scene in a play, setting the mood and providing context for the action that follows. 

You’re giving the developers a front-row seat to the bug’s performance when you are documenting:

  • operating system (OS)
  • browser version
  • Device
  • Hardware/Software specifications 
  • network conditions
  • User account/privileges (if applicable and relevant) 
  • any other relevant configurations

By providing comprehensive environment details, developers can accurately replicate the conditions under which the bug occurs, making it easier to diagnose, reproduce, and ultimately fix the issue.

7. Screenshots or Attachments

No performance is complete without a few visual aids. 

So, don’t forget to add screen recordings, logs, and error messages. These visuals and documents offer concrete evidence of the bug. They make the report clearer and eliminate ambiguity.

Use screenshots to capture error messages, unusual behaviors, or specific conditions that text descriptions alone might not convey effectively.

8. Severity and Priority

Severity refers to the impact and ‘seriousness’ of the bug on the application’s functionality, ranging from critical or high (system crashes) to minor or low (cosmetic issues). 

Priority, on the other hand, determines the order in which bugs should be addressed, or the urgency of fixing a bug, influenced by factors such as user impact and strategic importance.
Common priority levels used in bug reports include: Critical/Blocker (Highest priority), High/Major, Medium/Normal, and Low/Minor (can be addressed later). 

By assessing and indicating both the severity and priority of a bug, QA experts help developers understand the seriousness and urgency of the issue and allocate resources more effectively.

9.  Impact

Explain how the bug affects the following aspects of the app:

  • usability
  • performance
  • security
  • any aspect crucial to the UX 

Try your best to make it easier for the development team to prioritize its resolution based on user needs and business objectives.

10. Related Issues

Related Issues

Linking your report to related bugs or tasks can provide valuable context (patterns or interconnected issues that may not be apparent when considering bugs in isolation). 

Such an insight can lead to more holistic solutions that address underlying systemic problems rather than just symptoms.

Optional/Suggested Fix

While QA experts are not developers, they often possess a deep understanding of the application and may offer valuable insights into potential fixes. 

If you have a solution idea, share it as a suggestion, clearly indicating that it’s based on your understanding and experience.

Format Matters

When submitting bug reports, it’s crucial to follow a standardized format to ensure clarity and efficiency in communication. Using a predefined bug report template or form can help streamline the reporting process and ensure that all necessary details are included. Additionally, consider the preferred format or platform for submitting bug reports within your organization, whether it’s through a dedicated bug-tracking system, email, or another communication tool. Consistency in format and delivery can facilitate smoother collaboration between testers and engineers, ultimately leading to faster bug resolution and improved product quality.

Common Bug Reporting Mistakes to Avoid

Common Bug Reporting Mistakes to Avoid

Steer clear of certain mistakes that can hinder the resolution process:

  1. Vague descriptions and unclear language can lead to misunderstandings and delays. Your report should be as detailed and specific as possible. 
  2. Before submitting a new report, double-check if the issue has already been reported to avoid duplicates.
  3. Keep your report objective and focused on the facts, avoiding personal opinions. 
  4. Steer clear of language that could be interpreted as blaming or accusing team members.
  5. Reporting Multiple Issues in One Report: Combining multiple bugs in a single report can make it difficult to track and prioritize individual issues. Report each bug separately for better organization and tracking. 
  6. Reporting Known Issues: Submitting bug reports for issues that have already been identified and documented can lead to redundancy and waste valuable time and resources. Always check for known issues before filing a new report.
  7. Avoid reporting ‘Non-relevant issues’ (i.e problems or observations that are not directly related to the functionality or purpose of the software being tested). In bug reporting, it’s essential to focus on describing and documenting issues that directly impact the usability, functionality, or performance of the software, rather than including unrelated/non-relevant information.
  8. Incomplete Testing: Submitting a bug report without thoroughly testing and verifying the issue can lead to inaccurate or incomplete information, hindering the investigation process. 

When documenting the issue, don’t assume the developer has the same level of understanding as you do. 

Include all relevant information to ensure clarity. If you’ve identified a temporary workaround, include it in your report.

Seeking Feedback from Developers on Report Quality

Like many other skills, improvement in bug reporting comes from learning and adaptation. 

One of the most effective ways to enhance the quality of your bug reports is to seek feedback directly from the developers who use them:

  • Engage in direct communication with developers after they’ve had time to work with your report. 
  • Ask if the report was helpful and what could be improved. 

Take any feedback as a learning opportunity. 


Having proper bug reporting is not only a prerequisite step but it serves as a bedrock of the communication and collaboration between testers and software engineers. 

The existence of these reports advantageously helps both in the prompt handling of disputes and in ensuring the highest possible quality of the end product.

As QA professionals, we can ensure that our contributions to the development team are highly valuable by realizing common reporting mistakes, seeking and using feedback, and upholding the position of clear and constructive communication. 

The process of writing good bug reports is a continuum centered on the fact that every report carries the privilege of creating confidence and rallying the rest of the crew behind the unreleased software.

Being patient in this entire progressing process will also increase the engineering teams’ acceptance of the said appealing bug reports, which will, in addition, create quite exceptional products.

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