The perfect mobile-testing software should satisfy the needs of all the project members – managers, developers and QAs. Ubertesters thinks about all of them – our platform’s functionality allows to approach the testing process from both sides, either monitoring or performance. The developers have the ability to upload the builds, QAs can test the app on their mobile devices, managers can regulate and control the access to the builds, check user activity etc.
However, when it comes to engaging the external team to your project or involving your own clients to the account, these roles are not enough. The external member is not supposed to access the vital project information that can be used by the third parties.
We take the security question seriously and that is why released the new role of ‘Beta-tester’, which allows sharing minimal info with the testers and getting full professional reports from them.
‘Beta-tester’ is usually a person who is not your company employee. He is an external or non-professional beta-tester or your client who would like to be acquainted with the app. He is a project member who does not participate in the testing process on the regular basis, or whom you would not like to share much project info with.
When you grant the beta-tester an access to the project, he will be able to install the build on his device. If your app is integrated with our SDK, the beta-testers will be able to use Ubertesters bug submission tool to report the bugs to your account. The issues type in this case is limited to ‘Feedback’. They are allowed to set the feedback severity and take the screenshots. The crashes are reported to the system automatically so you should not worry that this important part will be lost.
The beta-testers have very limited access to Ubertesters web interface. If they are invited in the project, they can only see the Feedback reported by them or other beta-testers. While the feedback has ‘New’ status and it was not modified, the beta-testers can edit them, add comments and make the final changes. Once the feedback is closed, the feedback cannot be modified.
The issues and crashes reported by regular team members are not accessible for them. The project details, revisions, users’ activity and other important project information is never shown for the beta-tester.
If the provided access is not enough or you would like your beta-testers to give more detailed feedback, please grant them ‘QA’ role.
We sure that beta-tester role will make the testing process even more smooth and make you feel comfortable with Ubertesters. The feature is already available – try it today!
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