Android versions necessary to support developing your mobile app

/ 31st May, 2016 / Best Practices
Android versions necessary to support developing your mobile app

It is not a secret that Android operational system from Google became the leader among other mobile OS’s. It is twice as popular as Apple iOS, and is more than ten times ahead comparing to the 3rd most used mobile OS – Windows 10 mobile / Windows phone.

Statcounter mobile OS's stats worldwide

The latest Statcounter’s research above proves without a doubt that Android must be the first platform to develop when you decide to conquer this world with your unique app. But what remains a secret for many people and is confusing developers is which versions of Android software versions are necessary to support? Questions like: “Where is to review Android versions comparazione” or “Kitkat vs jelly bean: what OS version is more popular” become on the first place.?

Mobile app creation is a time- and money-consuming process that includes such steps as:
– Collection of app requirements;
– App design creation;
– MVP android app development;
– Searching for Beta testers;
– Preparing Android application testing guides;
– Beta-distribution and mobile application testing, and so on.

It means that even a small mistake while you reviewing android operating systems to support, can lead to a serious waste of budget. For example, those who decided to make an Android app development only for version 6.0+ haven’t got serious income. This OS still has just a tiny part of the market despite the fact that it was announced last year. It seems that Android Marshmallow will not be seriously popular because of Google announcement about Android N last week at Google I/O 2016.

This situation has lead to a huge number of questions from our customers about what Android software versions are necessary to support within development process and mobile app testing. Our specialists have monitored the market and collected information about the 3 most popular Android versions worldwide in May 2016. Check it out below:

Android Codename OS version Distribution
Lillipop 4.4 35.6%
KitKat 5.0 and 5.1 32.5%
Jelly Bean 4.1-4.3 21.1%

If you still have any questions about Android OS, Android app development, would like to know the distribution stats of other OS versions or request for mobile application testing, you can send a request to our managers. Stay tuned with Ubertesters!

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