10 Tech trends that will affect QA testing in 2020

/ 14th January, 2020 / Trends
10 Tech trends that will affect QA testing in 2020

Thousands of companies all over the world are bringing innovations and are trying to revolutionize the market of IT products. Effective software testing continues to be an inevitable part of any development process, ensuring the superior quality of the products and fast releases.

However, QA testing is likely to become even more challenging in 2020 since the IT environment is becoming more demanding. The area of quality assurance requires implementing various approaches to testing and QA methodologies. Meeting the needs of the customer, creating the product within the shortest terms, and getting a quicker ROI are among the key goals for numerous enterprises. Creating effective test strategies, using advanced software testing methods, and having a complex program for performing tests are likely to rule the QA market in the nearest future.

But what about the novelties on the market? What technology trends will boom the IT market in the nearest future? Discover the smart prognosis for 2020 in the QA testing right here below.

Software testing trends 2020: what to expect?

IoT testing for the market of smart devices. According to recent data, the number of connected devices will double in 2020. The rapid growth of smart solutions will require effective IoT testing methods and cases. Different communication protocols, establishing connection utilities, operating systems, and other advanced tools will desperately need mindful software testing. This means well-connected gadgets and devices will continue to be on the rise.
Real-time testing of various IoT gadgets and solutions, performed by real people, using crowd testing services, will be among the top services for the nearest future.

Big data testing. Big data will surely become one of the essential parts of numerous business sectors. Millions of companies are dealing with a large amount of data that contain different types of information. Structuring, analysing, and making prognosis according to this data is one of the steps of the software development process. The quality assurance of the big data projects will be in high demand in the near future. Interestingly, effective data analysis and QA solutions will help businesses make better decisions and implement successful marketing strategies.

Mobile testing. Mobile applications will continue to take a significant part of our lives. The fact is that mobile testing will continue to be among the sought-for services for thousands of enterprises. Testing different devices, platforms, and new operating systems will be part of any mobile QA process. Furthermore, hundreds of new mobile devices based on advanced technologies and operating systems will hit the market. Therefore, the huge device fragmentation, screen sizes and OS fragmentation, localization issues, and variety of carriers will make testing under real life conditions on different types of gadgets a must. This type of testing will help professionals to check that the app has a fast-loading time, brilliant performance and no functionality or compatibility issues.

Usability testing. Meeting the needs of the key audiences is a key performance indicator for any company. The fact is that poor usability and design, bugs and crashes, might negatively affect the user experiences leading to worse brand loyalty. Usability testing allows real users to interact with the product and it gives direct input on how real users use the system. This is one of the vital steps of any app development process.

AI testing. Artificial intelligence testing is becoming one of the newest trends in the QA community. The industry is still in its early stages but continues to grow at a steady rate. AI testing is designed to improve test cases, QA parameters, and reporting. This type of smart testing will help industry professionals to detect the possible risks and improve their product in a more effective way. Moreover, AI testing will provide new opportunities for companies in the area of QA and marketing. Being one of the most promising industries, AI testing might significantly change the entire world of testing – the complex neural networks, speech and gesture recognition, as well as other innovative algorithms are bringing the future.

Cybersecurity is becoming a top priority.  Safety analysis is one of the most important aspects of millions of apps. Numerous financial applications that deal with the user’s sensitive data require using advanced protection methods that should be constantly updated. The cyber environment faces new risks and threats, therefore each solution containing the user’s personal information should be completely safe and secure. In 2020, security tests are likely to become more complex and detailed. Safety is still a vital feature for any online service.

Blockchain testing. Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other cryptocurrencies are currently one of the most popular subjects for investment. Digital money is used for making thousands of transactions each day. Moreover, many cryptos are now cooperating with global financial institutions. Blockchain testing ensures making smart contracts and making financial operations in a fast and safe way.

Chaos engineering testing. Testing under stress conditions within chaos engineering testing will be among the hottest tendencies in the QA world. Identifying weaknesses and sensitive points and bugs on the production level before they become outages will continue to be exceptionally important for almost any business. Accurate experiments with the system’s behaviour will be done by experienced testing experts.

Automation testing. Currently, only 20% of testing is automated. This means most companies have a huge room for implementing automated test cases. The repetitive tasks will continue to be performed by the automated solutions, covering the bigger areas of testing. Automated testing is fast and effective, ensuring a better quality of the final product or service. The existing services, such as Selenium, and TestComplete will implement new features for even better automation.

Crowd testing. Automated testing and in-house testing are surely good but definitely not sufficient to ensure a good, steady product is launched. Checking the product’s performance on full without crowdsourced QA testing is hardly possible. There are lots of weak points and threats that can’t be predicted by any of the smartest solutions or by using your own internal resources only. Crowd testing allows you to perform real-life tests by a large number of different QA professionals from various places, using many different real devices, platforms, and carriers. This is still one of the most cost-effective, fast, flexible, and efficient ways to ensure the top quality of any solution.  

Ubertesters is keeping up with the times, offering a number of winning QA management tools, as well as all types of crowd testing services. Want to know more? Don’t hesitate to contact us at sales@ubertesters.com

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