Tech conferences calendar. Part #1: June-August 2016

/ 19th June, 2016 / Events
Tech conferences calendar. Part #1: June-August 2016

Tech conference is one of the important parts of the IT industry. It is the place where you can get acquainted with the innovations, try all newly released devices and services. It is also the place where you can show your own progress and meet with potential clients and investors.

There are hundreds of conferences that are held over the year all around the world. Not to waste your time and money, you need to attend tech events that are really important for you. We’ve made a research and collected the most interesting and useful top tech conferences of 2016.

Tech conferences in June 2016


Tech event link:
Dates: 22-25
Location: Krakow, Poland
Keywords: Web, Cloud, Big Data, Mobile, Methodology, Security

Mobile World Congress Shanghai (MWC Shanghai)

Tech event
Dates: 29 June – 1 July
Location: Shanghai, China
Keywords: Mobile, Android development, Security, IoT

Tech conferences in July 2016

Full Stack

Tech event link:
Dates: 13-15
Location: London, UK
Keywords: JavaScript, Node.js, IoT


Tech event link:
Dates: 20-21
Location: Minneapolis, USA
Keywords: DevOps

Tech conferences in August 2016

VS Live Redmond

Tech event link:
Dates: 8-12
Location: Redmond, USA
Keywords: Visual Studio, .NET, JavaScript, HTML5, ASP.NET, Mobile app development, Database Analytics

Code on the Beach

Tech event link:
Dates: 7-9
Location: Atlantic Beach, USA
Keywords: HTML5, JavaScript, .NET, Data, Mobile, UI/UX Design

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